Thursday 6 October 2016

Induction Task Evaluation of Changing Hands

Induction Task Evaluation: Change of hands.

The Package.

   We’ve now completed the induction task of creating a small clip. I am quite pleased with the finished video because the story line flows along with including the idea of ‘changing hands’. When we first started recording, it was in the early stages where we decided to change plot and have a plot twist.

   We wanted the music to sound dramatic and dangerous without being too cheesy and corny. We think the music matches what is happening with the actors and in some cases the beat matches the footsteps, this also adds to the dramatic feel. Along with the grunge-like music we wanted to use low camera angles to create a mysterious feel, making the audience work it out who had the package and what was happening without showing any of theirs faces. Another positive thing about the finished piece is that when filming outside the lightening wasn’t too bright and didn’t affect the imagery on screen. My favourite part of the clip was when she had the package and went from walking through the gate, where the bright lights contrasted to the dark, sheltered part of the wood. It gave it a suspicious feel.

   There are a few things that didn’t turn out too well in the finished piece because the idea of continuity didn’t always flow throughout and that was partly because it was filmed on different days so some outfits changed.

   Another thing that we forgot to edit out or move when recording was when we accidentally filmed some bags in the background. Even if the bags didn’t belong to us they are still visible in the shot and it almost ruins the scene because in movies there’s nothing that is owned by the crew in the filming. Also with the filming I feel like with the phone shots we could have focused in better as it’s not that visible what the texts are saying.

   One thing that we could have added into the video would be when she was taking out the gun or about to, if the actor looked around to check if no one was there then maybe, that would have made it more realistic because if you were doing something ‘up to no good’ then surely you would check to see if anyone was watching you. But saying this it would have ruined the story plot. We wanted the scene of three walking feet to lead up to who would end up with the gun.

   After watching the clip over and over I feel the blackout from where the actor gets shot is a little too long by a second or even less as it feels like it has ended. But saying that it creates a good statement that she is dead and the glassy eyed look also creates that mood.
   Overall we followed the brief and I am pleased with the result.

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