Wednesday 30 November 2016


In conclusion,

I think the finished result of the film was okay, there were a few faults in it and maybe a few things that could have been changed. Even though we were creating our film to be funny, there was one extreme zoom in that could have been taken again as it was blurry and not great condition. We could of added a few more shot types when 'fighting' the vending machine. I also think the plot of the film was very weak and someone who was new to watching it wouldn't really know what was happening. Perhaps if we could make a film that was longer then we could have added in some more detail about the characters. But we had already gone over the time limit.

We have lots of pans, panning from low to high, to left to right. I think panning is almost the most effective shot because it covers a vast area of what the audience is supposed to be looking at. As a group I think the shots used were effective and best fitted for what the film presented. Other shots included; slight zooms, extreme close ups, truck in shot, medium shot, extreme zoom in, over the shoulder shot and a full shot of the area. Most of these were repeated a few times.

The plot of the film is that Laurence tries to get a bottle of water out of the vending machine but the vending machine does nothing. He gets annoyed with it. His friend, Adam, just happens to walk past it, so he comes over to help Laurence out. They begin beating the vending machine up. Adam goes to a tree, summons Scarce, with a double upload. Then Lewis, (interpreting) Scarce comes out, then they both run back the way Adam came and back to the vending machine where Laurence is waiting. They all begin beating up the machine and finally the bottle of water Laurence wanted drops out and he walks away as if nothing happened.

I was assigned to do the storyboard, which was okay because I could create one in a few minutes, but I also think I could have spent more time on it to make the sketches better. The first story board made, was just a rough idea to what we could do. We then created a second one, which was more alike to the film. Yet we still had to change a few things. As the film time was actually a minute longer than first expected.

The way we allocated each role sort of came naturally. Personally I preferred to stay behind the camera and the boys were acting, Adam unwillingly. Even though there was only four of us, I feel like it still looked pretty good as a finished result. There was a tiny issue of lack of continuity as the film was filmed over different days so they wore different clothes. As the boys were the actors, I feel all of them did a good job of acting the part, although there were a few times when they all looked directly at the camera. Even though we had a few bloopers and laughing fits, the scenes we used actually worked well and flowed throughout. I also think looking back at what we created, the plot isn't that great. If someone was to watch it without knowing who 'Scarce' is then the film would come across as weird.

Our roles all varied in different stages of creating the film. I created the storyboard and the initial plot as some background information, I also helped and gave my opinion when creating the film and editing it. Lewis changed the plot slightly to add 'Scarce' into it. As we were making our Depict film funny we thought it would fit and make it better. Lewis acted in the film, and did some of the editing, he actually showed us how to do it as well. Adam was an actor in the film, although at first he didn't want to. And he didn't want to be the main role, he ended up being the opposite to what he wanted. Although it took many takes to try and get it on point without laughter it was worth it, because looking back at it the acting was good. Adam also did some of the paperwork, I think he did the shot list. Laurence, starred in the film too. He was also one of the main, "main" characters. All the acting from all the boys was good. Laurence took part in the editing and edited and downloaded all of the files onto the Mac. At first, the group wasn't really communicating, but I think throughout the process we formed more as a group and actually produced group work as a team.

For the deadline we had to finish filming for, we actually finished on the day. I was a bit worried we wouldn't be able to finish on time because the paper side of this project wasn't uploaded to our blogs when it should have been as the storyboard had to be changed. But overall, I am happy with what we created.

Sunday 27 November 2016



In this task we were asked to create a short, 90 second film presenting whatever we wanted. Of course, before we even begun creating it we had to think as a group what the plot was. As it needed to be quite basic to be no more than 90 seconds. As my group were quite interested in the funny side of things, 'memes'. I thought of making the story plot so bad it's funny because if we pulled it off, it would be amusing yet liked by everyone in the group.

The only cost that was in the film was buying a bottle of water. Of course, the first take on that scene didn't end up how we wanted it to be, but somehow the boys managed to put it back into the machine and get it out, again and again for free. Of course if we were going to make an actual film, longer than 90 seconds there are many more things we'd need to cover. For example, finance and the sources of funding. Some films, go around making flyers to get people interested in the movie. Adverts are the big one, for my opinion. There’s adverts everywhere you go, on notice boards, on TV, on YouTube and you also get short films while you’re in the cinema. This all promotes the film because each time you see the advert or even click off the advert, not even watching the whole 5 seconds of it someone gets paid. So it’s very beneficial to have advertising for your film. Some producers throw different events to get the movie out there and into the world, like the websites: Kickstarter, IndieWire and GoFundMe. They do this because when a film comes out the viewers have all heard of it before, heard the name, seen the trailer and heard people talking about it from where they've seen it. The funding sites helps you, 1 Set a best-case-scenario deadline, 2 Budget money and time. These are two are the main theories as to why crowd fund, or fund your film. Of course there are some negatives about this as well, for example: 1 Be vague, if you’re vague when funding your movie then not many people will be interested.

 This creates the mood of it being popular and if you overhear someone talking about something, some people may think that they also want to see it to join the trend. It boosts the popularity of the film and in some cases it can boost the amount of views by how many people watch it. An example of this is The Blair Witch Project. The movie itself was created about a myth, but actually the myth was created just for the film, so people got spooked by something which they thought was real when it actually wasn't. So it's like manipulating the audience into watching the movie because they thought it was true.

The equipment we had for the filming of this 90 second film, the college had supplied the camera and tripod and obviously the vending machine which was the main focus was sitting in the college too. We didn't need much to film it. Unlike actual film productions, bigger, professional companies buy/rent lots of things to help film and edit their tapes. For example; Cameras, Lenses, Stabilization, Computers and storage, Memory cards, Sounds and Lighting, crew, actors, props. Many things can change financial considerations when using certain materials because if you were filming in a dark area and you wanted some light, you don't actually need to pay for lighting as a lamp could save money, for an example.

For our location basis we didn't need to ask for permission as we were just filming at the field opposite the college, and inside the college. We picked a specific vending machine, that not many people walked past as while we were filming we didn't want other students to come past chatting and ruining it. We didn't need to fill out any health and safety regulation forms as none of what we filmed risked our lives or anyone else's. Our first thought, when it came to planning the plot we wanted to involve a fake gun. But while we were filming, all of us forgot about it. So that may have saved some paperwork. Big film productions such as Hollywood, have to sign forms and preferences to let them film in that certain area. Obviously it takes time. If the crew were to break something, for example if they were filming in somebody's house then they'd have to pay for the damage. They also have to fill out a lot more paperwork because there would be a lot more people involved in a big co-operation, unless it was a low budget short moving production as then it may vary.

A movie has many requirements; they have a budget on what they can spend. Big productions can spend thousands of pounds, on the location, health and safety, the actors, the equipment, special editing processes and animation if that's included. Even renting out the products costs a lot. If the movie goes over the date when it's supposed to be finished then that means the production will have to pay out even more for the equipment, which could be risky if they didn't have a lot of money to start off with. If that was the case if you were renting the equipment, then that may mean you're spending a lot more money than you would if you were originally buying the products. Of course you can get films made from spending little money, an example of this is The Blair Witch Project, they got the public involved in the documentary side asking them random questions, making them believe it was true making it become popular. Also, Clarkes, is another good example because the director was the actor, which meant little money was spent on things. Low budget movies can actually turn into high budget movies, because The Blair Witch Project got really popular so the income was more than double the amount they spent on creating it.
   Makeup for a typical low budget short film is required to have, a director of photography, this is one of the most important positions you could have in any production. The director of photography will have to understand what you want and how you want the audience to see it. The lighting, the darkness and different colours will pay a part in how the DP will undertake the work. A good DP could possibly hide the poor makeup spent on the actors faces, that's if the lighting and darkness was on point. If this was for a short film and not for a television programme, or a Hollywood feature film, the main director is likely to do the photography themselves. It saves money on hiring someone in and they can also do it up to their own standards as well.
   Makeup and hair is also a big part in the film industry. Although many productions, such as Indie, skimp out in these departments. No makeup, or little can be seen through some films and when people compare it to a high priced Hollywood feature films you immediately side with the bigger production (Hollywood.) But low budget films cannot spend all their money on one makeup artist, so they tend to not hire any makeup artists and either go with what they do or none at all. Hollywood productions can hire multiple makeup artists for their films, making sure the DP can grasp different photographing looks that will be consistent through the production because they have the money. This is the same for television programmes, the makeup has to be the same for each character otherwise the continuity will not flow and each character may have a different face every week.
   Production Assistants, may be hired to keep things moving, their job is rather important because if the film production goes over the time they said the film will be done by, then that means it'll cost more for everything they've already spent money on: location, each actor will have to be paid more money. This is again the same for a television programme and a Hollywood feature film. Not so much a low budget short film because they don’t hire people they do it themselves.
   Location audio, each programme, film documentary has someone hired to record the sounds and manage the sounds present in the filming. They're going to be one of the most important people on set, probably about up to the same standards as a DP. Sound takes up, pretty much 50% of a film. Perfect sound and poor visuals will come across better than polished visuals and poor sound because you sort of hear more than you see, in my opinion. Like, if you're listening to a song, with a music video, the music video doesn't get judged as much as the song/sound. The point is sound is critical to the overall success of a film, (when we were filming ours we had to make sure none of us laughed, or there were no background sounds or anything unwanted.)
   Production designers and Script Supervisors are also a key role, but usually low budget films can't afford them. Television programmes can involve them, the same with high priced Hollywood feature films. Having a PD can improve a film, when you're producing a film and you have a very low budget, a production designer can make the film look better than it may actually be. This is similar to script writers, having them as part of the crew can save the film.
   Of course there are many other requirements needed but I’ve only listed a few.
   In the professional media industry, if the films go over deadlines that means they'll be spending a lot more money than they would have wanted. As explained above.
   If you were filming a professional moving image production, the nearest media facility house to us is Oxfordshire. Website:
They offer the full post production process, from digesting, offline & online editing, graphics, audio dubbing & mixing through to trans-coding & final delivery - whether it's a tape or a file.
   Location recces means: a military term that has been borrowed by media production in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, derived from "reconnaissance". It is also used in radio and television production.
Location releases means: Location releases means you cannot film in the certain area unless you have a signed form from that particular area to say you can. For example, if you wanted to film in Costa, you'd need them to sign the form to say you can go ahead and film.
   Materials you may need for a production: Camera, Lenses, Stabilisation, Computers and storage, Memory cards, Sounds and Lighting. Many things can change financial considerations when using certain materials because if you were filming in a dark area and you wanted some light, you don't actually need to pay for lighting a lamp could save money, for an example.
   There are many legal issues when using certain materials in filming. For example, if you were using a gun in a film you'd need to get a police report signed to say you can go about using it outside in an area with people, as they may think it's real and think they could die, we had to do the same sorts of things for our DepicT film if we wanted use a gun or any other ‘lethal’ weapon.
   Alongside legal issues, you get copyright issues. Many things can be copyrighted without you realising. For example, dramatic music, certain illustrations and photography can be copyrighted. Meaning you cannot use them in your own production without a form saying you can use them. If you don't get a form signed by the production who made them then you could be risking your entire production. Although copyright over some things doesn't last forever. If something is copyrighted and you want to use it, you'll have to wait around 50 years for most types of written, dramatic and artistic works and at least 25 years for photographs. That's a long time to wait around so it's best to use your own or get a form, which can also take very long to get signed.
   In productions, Clearance means: official authorisation for something to proceed or to take place, like if you wanted to film in a certain area you'd have to get clearance from the owners to see if you can get the seal of approval to continue with your film-making.
   Public Liability insurance means: the cost of legal action and compensation claims made against your business if a third party is injured or their property suffers damage whilst at your business premises or when your area working in their home, office of business property.
   Completion guarantee means: a form of insurance offered by a completion guarantor company that is often used in independently financed films to guarantee that the producer will complete and deliver the film on time, or for a certain time.
OFCOM is the communications regulator. To regulate TV, radio and video on demand sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus airwaves over which wireless devices are operate.
   Some aspects of the BBC are regulated by OFCOM but most of it is regulated by the Office of Fair Trading, the European commission.
   BBFC stands for The British of Film Classification, it's a non-governmental organisation, founded by the film industry in 1912 and responsible for the national classification and censorship of films exhibited at cinemas and video works, such as television programmes and trailers.
   Trade Union means: Trade union is an organised group of workers. Its main goal is to protect and advance the interests of its members. A union often negotiates agreements with employers on pay and conditions. It may also provide legal and financial advice, sickness benefits and education facilities to its members. They are important because unions are strength. Unions provide workers with a powerful, collective voice to communicate to manage their dissatisfaction and frustration. Unions negotiate better terms and conditions, they discuss agreement between employers and employees. You get more annual leave in a unionized workplace, the average trade union member in the UK gets over 25% more annual leave a year, compared with a non-unionized worker.
Unions fight for equal opportunities in the workplace. They stand for equal pay and treatment and again discrimination. Union work places are safer, there are 50% fewer accidents in unionized workplaces. Local safety reps deal with issues ranging from stress and mental health issues to hazardous substances.
   PACT, refers to pact and the producer, and BECTU refers to the Union, its members and other individuals engaged under the terms of this agreement.
   A trade association, also known as an industry trade group, business association, sector association or industry body, is an organisation founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry. Many associations are non-profit organisations governed by bylaws and directed by officers who are also members.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

DepicT : 90 second short film

DepicT 90 seconds short film

Barking mad

   I really like this one, I think it could be my favourite. The title of this is called Barking mad. The story is that this man is sleeping, perhaps taking a break from gardening. He has a book on his chest about dogs and a bottle of water near him but it’s spilt. So he’s dreaming about the things around him. Like because he’s got a dog book on his chest he’s scared because he thinks dogs are chasing him (as the sounds show this too.) and he also jumps into a pond at the end, in aid of the water spilt over him.
   The camera actions are really good. The theme is that it’s supposed to be action packed, hence the fast beat music. The camera angles also show this because they’re flipping upside down and twisting and turning. Also the man running is bumping into the walls and jumping over things to tell us this even more. 

DepicT : 90 second short film

DepicT 90 seconds short film

Brief encounters

   I really thought that this short film was funny. The narrative voice throughout is humorous and intended to be fun. The laugh, his voice and also the music makes it feel jolly and happy. As if you should be laughing. I also think the clips are placed cleverly because some of the beats in the tune match their steps as they run. It’s enticing. Also the fact that the actors are both smiling and laughing it makes you smile and I like that.
   I like the different shots of the camera angles. The majority is just tracking to show that they are running/jogging. I liked how it cut to their feet because it shows how close they are and in time.

   I like how the character immediately switches to the next runner he sees who is also a woman. It’s funny because he’s asking the same questions. Making it seem like he just sits and waits for them to run past. 

DepicT : 90 second short film

DepicT 90 second short film Daydream I really enjoyed this short 90 second movie that was created because it flows nicely but also creating a dramatic effect as if the boy is actually dreaming. You can see that he’s dreaming because he’s in a classroom alone and most classrooms contain other people, plus there’s obvious signs he’d fallen asleep because he’s had his head down on the desk. I liked the small editing effects in the first 8 seconds. It matched the theme of the snowy mountain cliffs and the whistling wind. Each sound matched his dream and it was very intriguing to watch because I didn’t know what else to expect. The setting of the clips was good because I liked how he rolled the blind up and down each time to see the different scene, I thought that was cool and a clever way to present it. It was also quite humorous towards the ending because when he woke up, there were other people in the classroom.

Saturday 15 October 2016

The Blair Witch Project.

The Blair Witch Project

   We’ve recently watched the movie called The Blair Witch Project. It is one of the lowest, low budget movies that has been created so far that has made approximately $248 million worldwide when it only cost about $20,000 to make. It was brought out as a true horror story where a few students wanted to document what had happened. It made people worldwide want to watch even more. Unlike most movies there were only three real actors present in the recording. The other seven shown in the film were real life people, some had never heard of it and some went along with the idea of it.

There’s many aspects of the movie that show how they managed to pull off the scenes. The most expensive thing about the movie would probably have been the cameras. But at the end of the shoot the filmmakers managed to recoup some of their expenses by returning some of the equipment they used to shoot the film. The film was only shot in eight days whereas the majority of films are much, much longer.

I enjoyed the movie because it was very dramatic, there were many scary moments in the horror movie/documentary even though it was easy to create. I was quite shocked to hear that during the movie when the tent got shaken (my favourite scene). The actors were oblivious to who was actually doing it. Terrified they thought it was a dangerous animal – rather than the witch or the directors. The directors managed to pull off jumpy scenes and scare their actors too as well as the audience. Overall, a great low budget movie.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Induction Task Evaluation of Changing Hands

Induction Task Evaluation: Change of hands.

The Package.

   We’ve now completed the induction task of creating a small clip. I am quite pleased with the finished video because the story line flows along with including the idea of ‘changing hands’. When we first started recording, it was in the early stages where we decided to change plot and have a plot twist.

   We wanted the music to sound dramatic and dangerous without being too cheesy and corny. We think the music matches what is happening with the actors and in some cases the beat matches the footsteps, this also adds to the dramatic feel. Along with the grunge-like music we wanted to use low camera angles to create a mysterious feel, making the audience work it out who had the package and what was happening without showing any of theirs faces. Another positive thing about the finished piece is that when filming outside the lightening wasn’t too bright and didn’t affect the imagery on screen. My favourite part of the clip was when she had the package and went from walking through the gate, where the bright lights contrasted to the dark, sheltered part of the wood. It gave it a suspicious feel.

   There are a few things that didn’t turn out too well in the finished piece because the idea of continuity didn’t always flow throughout and that was partly because it was filmed on different days so some outfits changed.

   Another thing that we forgot to edit out or move when recording was when we accidentally filmed some bags in the background. Even if the bags didn’t belong to us they are still visible in the shot and it almost ruins the scene because in movies there’s nothing that is owned by the crew in the filming. Also with the filming I feel like with the phone shots we could have focused in better as it’s not that visible what the texts are saying.

   One thing that we could have added into the video would be when she was taking out the gun or about to, if the actor looked around to check if no one was there then maybe, that would have made it more realistic because if you were doing something ‘up to no good’ then surely you would check to see if anyone was watching you. But saying this it would have ruined the story plot. We wanted the scene of three walking feet to lead up to who would end up with the gun.

   After watching the clip over and over I feel the blackout from where the actor gets shot is a little too long by a second or even less as it feels like it has ended. But saying that it creates a good statement that she is dead and the glassy eyed look also creates that mood.
   Overall we followed the brief and I am pleased with the result.